Friday, January 16, 2009


So I made my first attempt at baking Challah bread today. I used to buy it every Friday at Harmon's, but now that there is a Smith's so much closer, I usually shop there. Harmon's is probably much yummier than mine will be, but that is probably a good thing and maybe I won't eat the whole loaf. I messed up the recipe a bit (forgot the 2nd rise, used 3 eggs and 1 yolk, instead of 3 eggs and 1 white), so it probably will suck. It was a fun first attempt though! Shalom.


Unknown said...

I think it looks great! Good for you for trying. And am I missing something? Are you Jewish?

Colleen said...

Wow! That looks sooooooo yummy! How did it taste?

Unknown said...

Haha, I needed that comment today on my blog, thank you. I guess thats what I get for going to a Mary Kay thing. Oh well, it felt good to vent! When do you want to play?

Elizabeth said...

Hey can you email me the recipe? how did it end up tasting?