Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bad Blogger

Yeah, so it's been almost two weeks since my last post, I know I'm a bad blogger. There just doesn't seem to be much going on to blog about. Will's walking, and he said "mama" finally, so it seems he's passed all the momentus it's just learning more words, perfecting the balance, etc. I'm very proud of my awesome hubby whose hard work is really paying off and has been recognized by multiple people vying for his services! Looks like this is going to be a great year for growing his business...what recession?! You are such a stud!!! Other than that, I'm just eagerly awaiting Spring and sick to death of Winter. Blah!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


So I made my first attempt at baking Challah bread today. I used to buy it every Friday at Harmon's, but now that there is a Smith's so much closer, I usually shop there. Harmon's is probably much yummier than mine will be, but that is probably a good thing and maybe I won't eat the whole loaf. I messed up the recipe a bit (forgot the 2nd rise, used 3 eggs and 1 yolk, instead of 3 eggs and 1 white), so it probably will suck. It was a fun first attempt though! Shalom.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

So I haven't been in the mood to post lately. My parents dropped the bomb that they are getting a divorce...after 30+ years of marriage. That sucks! It's also FREEZING COLD here, like 18 degrees cold, and I've got cabin fever bad. My Flip video also broke :( so no cool videos to post.

But hey, interest rates on 30 year fixed dropped into the 4's today, so business should be good for Jason...that is one GREAT thing! So my friends, if you've been thinking of refinancing, now is the time. Being trapped at home also gave me time to take down the Christmas tree finally, and clean the fridge. I've resolved to be a better housekeeper this year, amongst other things. So far so good!