Sunday, July 27, 2008


So as of yesterday I am officially 29...clinging to my twenties by my fingernails. I feel like 29 is the equivelant of Sunday night at 10pm when you know you have to get up and go to work in 8 hours. That feeling of dread that the weekend is over and a whole new week of work is ahead. (This is all when I had a "job" of course. Now that I don't "work" my schedule is always the same -- no sleeping in or time off on weekends so they don't quite hold the same enjoyment anymore.) Anyway, I know that when Monday morning arrives it won't be so bad, the waiting and anticipation of it is always worse.

My birthday was great! Lara came and babysat Will so we could go out. It was so nice not feeling like we had to rush home to pick him up, or wake him up at mom & dad's to transfer and bring him home to sleep. We went to this Irish restaurant next to the theater called MacCool's. It was suprisingly good. We all ordered something different and just did it family style so we got to try a little of everything. I got a huge wedge of chocolate cake for dessert & a comped margarita for my bday instead of singing waiters. (Much better in my opinion!!!) Then we saw Batman -- an awesome movie I really want to see again because there was so much plot to digest. I got lots of great gifts too, so thank you to everyone!

Next year for the big 3-0 me and Cole are going to NYC to celebrate together. Hope you're saving up Cole!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trying to crawl

Will is really trying...just not quite there yet. He gets frustrated because he can't move yet. His favorite thing used to be the jumperoo, but now he cries whenever I put him in it because it's too confining. He was up on all fours today, and Bas was giving him some pointers. I think a few more days or weeks and he'll have it down.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The never-ending drama of the Cuisinart

First let me say I HATE THE FREAKING POST OFFICE!!!! Okay, that is out of my system. I bought Jason a Cuisinart stick blender for Christmas. Well in about February I was making a protien shake and the POS broke on some frozen berries. In order to repair/replace it they (Cuisinart) charges $10. Lesson 1, never buy anything from you can buy locally at Bed Bath & Beyond for the same price. They would have just let me exchange it at the store. So In June I finally get around to packing it up to send in for warranty. I have it weighed & measured at Harmon's so I can just put stamps on it and drop it in the mail box without having to wait in that horrible line at the post office. So June 30th I drop it in the box. A few days later they send it back to me with a sticker saying I have to bring it to the counter. So another week goes by until I am with Jason and he can just run it in and drop it at the counter while Will & I wait in the car...again to avoid having to unpack the baby and wait in that ridiculous line. So today I find in my mailbox the box AGAIN!!! It was returned for 31 cents of additional postage, which Cuisinart refused to pay. And because it was "refused" I had to repay $5.41 to repost the entire freaking package!!! The lady said I got off lucky because they could have charged me for the return postage too to send it back when Cuisinart refused it. So thus far I have spent $10.51 in postage, along with $10 for the repair, and three trips to the post office, to replace an item that costs $29.99! Moral of the story: buy locally, and NEVER EVER EVER send anything by U.S. Mail when you can use UPS or FEDEX instead.


So it's been a while since I've posted (sorry Colleen, thanks for the reminder). It's been a busy couple weeks. Jason was in Vegas opening the new store the weekend before last. Then last weekend was the dog trial. Bas & Jason took 2nd place in their level -- which was pretty impressive considering Bas cheated and licked the food refusal and also competed with a broken tooth. I'm proud of them both. Then we were hosting the judge at our house from Sunday till Thursday. He spoke no English and my French is just remnants from 1 year in high school. It was interesting. Anyway, Will & I took him to the mountains on Tuesday night and the squirrels or chipmunks or whatever these things are were running amok! One ran right under Will's stroller!!! I thought he was gonna attack my baby and give him rabies, but luckily we escaped unharmed. Here are the pics...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Video of Will


Will's two bottom front teeth are finally poking through. Take a look...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

We went to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens on the Fourth of July. It was soooooo cool! I can't believe we've lived here this long and we've never been. Here are a lot of pics....

Will liked the waterfalls. I think it was the cooling mist or the white noise.

Here he is viewing them from the bridge above with daddy.

Will is flying
This is the English rose garden....very Jane Austen
This is the cool pond that was filled with koi
Will likes to ride on dad instead of the stroller....the view is much better.
This is the cool path to the secret garden. The shade felt so good.And the door to the secret garden

This is the view of the gardens from the main entrance
A shady grove of trees
A creek runs through it

We had so much fun. There is an also Italian herb garden that is heavenly smelling! I think we will buy an annual pass, it includes entrance to the children's splash park too. So cool that this is only a couple miles from home!