Thursday, July 17, 2008


So it's been a while since I've posted (sorry Colleen, thanks for the reminder). It's been a busy couple weeks. Jason was in Vegas opening the new store the weekend before last. Then last weekend was the dog trial. Bas & Jason took 2nd place in their level -- which was pretty impressive considering Bas cheated and licked the food refusal and also competed with a broken tooth. I'm proud of them both. Then we were hosting the judge at our house from Sunday till Thursday. He spoke no English and my French is just remnants from 1 year in high school. It was interesting. Anyway, Will & I took him to the mountains on Tuesday night and the squirrels or chipmunks or whatever these things are were running amok! One ran right under Will's stroller!!! I thought he was gonna attack my baby and give him rabies, but luckily we escaped unharmed. Here are the pics...

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