Tuesday, February 3, 2009

10 things I want

1. To sleep late
2. A glitter toes pedicure
3. To sleep late in Vegas
4. Botox
5. To sleep late in Austin
6. A facial
7. To sleep late in NYC
8. Espresso machine
9. To sleep late in Park City
10. A day off


Anonymous said...

Me, too! I want glitter toes and to sleep late. I thought I'd get to on Sunday, but now I have to work at stupid Old Navy at 9am.

When it starts to warm up, we'll have to go get a pedicure and have lunch. Leave the baby with Daddy or Rita.

Unknown said...

We should all go get pedicures the end of March so we have cute toes for spring!

I have a way cheapo espresso machine and I had a friend who ran a coffee shop teach me how to make good espresso with it, you kind of waste about a 1/3 of your espresso but it is so worth it to not pay those insane starbucks prices.

How was lucnh with your dad? Everything good?

Unknown said...

Hey woman, Im finally feeling alive again so we should play! Ae you guys doing okay? You havent gotten the damn sickness going around have you?

Let me know if you want to play this week, I could come to your house some afternoon if you want and show you my coffee tricks?