over a week ago, but I'm slow. He got a Nerf machine gun that shoots 4 bullets a second and absolutely loves it! He shoots the dogs, and daddy, and mommy and laughs and laughs and laughs.
My photographer is freaking awesome! Below are a few of my fave's she recently shot of our family. When you need family pics done be sure to see Tiffany at: http://www.followyourartphotography.com/
So I finally found the cord to connect my phone to my pc so I can upload some pics I've taken on my phone from our trip to the zoo and farm. Most turned out pretty blurry...it's not a great camera phone.
We went to the Albuq aquarium (lame) and botanical garden (cool) yesterday. And we also found a great little babysitter and went out to eat at one of the local restaurants. So yesterday was a lot of fun! This morning I went to a "hot yoga" class, that was pretty cool...but I prefer Vinyasa. Unfortunatly they don't have a Vinyasa class I can go to with our schedule. Now, I don't normally complain about being a dog widow, but I am very sad that Jason has a dog seminar on the same weekend as the two fun events I mentioned in my last blog. Guess Will and I are going without him. Hopefully I will have a friend in town that can go with me...we'll see.
So we're "living" in Albuquerque now...for a month at least. It's really fun so far. We rented a townhouse right across from a park. It's also walking distance to a small grocery store, Starbucks, and an authentic mexican taco stand. The place is small but laid out really well for our needs. It's so easy to clean and has a private backyard for Bas too. There is even a built in kiddie-kave under the stairs with a darling cottage door. Albuq has lots of great restaurants I'm excited to try, and all kinds of fun activities. At the end of the month there is a big cowboy shooter competition thing. Kind of like a Renaissance fair but in the wild west instead. Everyone dresses up and competes in single-action shooting events. I went a couple years ago as a trade show vendor, and was excited to see it will be going on while we are here so Jason can come and see it because it's so much fun. There is also a cool food event where local chefs compete like Iron Chef. I'm especially excited about the salsa competition. Mmmmmmm, salsa! Anyway, more tales from ABQ to follow. Hope all my Utah friends are having fun. Special thanks to Lara for taking care of Jack and our house while we are away.
So we made it back (despite a hellacious plane ride where I almost jerked the handle on the emergency exit). I will NEVER take the overnight flight again! Will slept for 2 hours, woke up screaming after a bad dream, puked his guts out ala Exorcist, then insisted on walkign up & down the aisle (shirtless) for 4 hours before finally going back to sleep. The actual trip part was fun though. Lots of relative visits and sunshine. The last day Jason asked if there was anything I wanted to do that we didn't get to and I had to say "Relax"...traveling with a baby just doesn't make for a relaxing vacation. Lots of fun, but he wouldn't nap at home, only in the car, so we did a lot of driving. Driving next to a highway with a beautiful ocean view is the best way to do it though, so I can't complain! We had a nice condo and Will had his own room to sleep in (thanks to Auntie Lara taking the couch) so that part was sooooooo nice! He slept 12 hours each night, just like at home, so we could go out at night while Lara babysat. It was a very great trip. Here are a few pics: